• Kevin Kermes
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  • Capture your new boss or client's attention...

Capture your new boss or client's attention...

and stand out as you get the job or business

Happy Saturday!

In a world that’s noisier than ever, the only thing that’s harder than holding someone’s attention…

is getting ahold of it to begin with!

Whether it’s your future boss or client, the struggle is real (as the kids say).

Alright, let’s get curious

Ready to build a simple statement to attract your next client or boss?

Something that describes who you help and how, powerfully?

then take the actions outlined.

Now for the second part…

"Once I started doing this, everything changed..."

While I was catching up with clients this week, a CEO we are working with shared this with me.

We were talking specifically about making the shift from looking for a job to uncovering problems to solve.

And, the next critical step of co-creating solutions for those problems.

After working with more than 16,000 clients over the last 15 years, this one adjustment has the most profound, cascading results.

Moreover, it's a non-negotiable at the senior executive and C-Suite level…

not to mention ANY business owner (consultant, advisor, entrepreneur, etc.).


I'm glad you asked.

Here are just a few of the things we discussed...

1) You cannot assume that anyone complicit in creating the problem(s) at hand  can also properly diagnose them, much less solve them.

2) In diagnosing, you can uncover more opportunities for growth, expansion and adjustment within an organization. Forget about a job description...get to the truth of what's going on (or not).

3) The process of co-creation (after achieving agreement on the problem) allows everyone in the conversation to experience a taste of what it's like to work together.

4) You are also creating an emotional experience that is unique. Consciously (and subconsciously) you build something everyone else "interviewing" is competing against.

5) To the "interview" point...this is a conversation that can happen without the formal definition of a job. It's an exploration. It's a chat. It's organic, if you allow it to be.

6) When anyone sees themselves in the solution being presented, they immediately have more buy in. You're developing an advocate.

7) The solution dictates the employment terms (FT, consulting, advisory, etc.) versus the other way around. This opens everyone's aperture for opportunities, exponentially.

And, sometimes, you uncover that there is no fit: bullet dodged.

Higher quality conversations can change everything, if you let them.

It starts by being intentional in the experience you create with others. And that decision comes from adjusting your mindset and how you see (and approach) ALL conversations...

because, regardless of the storyline the media feeds you about the economy, hiring, etc...

there are ALWAYS problems to be solved.

Give it a try and watch everything shift.

Choose wisely.

And just like that, another week of learning and growing is over.

As always…

I’m in this with you shoulder-to-shoulder,


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P.P.S. As you can tell, I’m writing more and more on LinkedIn. If we aren’t already, let’s connect there.