Control your wealth

Happy Saturday!

We are 18.5% through 2024 🤯

But who’s counting? Ha!

If you’re a “glass half-full” kinda person, then hopefully you realize how much more you can accomplish with 81.5% of the year still left in front of you.

OK, we’re talking about control.

Let’s get curious about controlling your wealth.

Gaining control over wealth begins and ends with your ability to negotiate.

Negotiating your time.

Your priorities.

Your mindset.

And (obviously) your pay.


Being self-employed and unemployable is a state of mind rather than a choice.

Vizi Andrei

After working with thousands of clients at Career Attraction and CreateNext, there’s a fairly typical pattern of steps people go through in their journey toward controlling their wealth.

The problem is they usually stop at step 2 (see steps below).

So here’s what that journey can look like.

Steps Toward Greater Agency Over Your Wealth

Step 1: Securing opportunities to level up. Getting a raise. Getting a promotion. Finding and grabbing up chances where you can create more value for yourself.

Step 2: Locating a bigger vision elsewhere. Stepping into your next role. Figuring out what problems you CAN solve, if you WANT to solve them, and with WHICH people. Job hopping to get a big pay bump.

Step 3: Tapping into skills you have and offering them to other orgs that don’t need you full time (just fractionally). People turn this idea off because they think they must do this full-time. But it usually looks more like part-time consulting or contracting. Folks succeed in this step when they offer up expert help for one part of a commonly broken process. You can truly be the person coming in to help wherever it’s needed.

Step 4: Finding a way to consult, advise, or contract at scale. Set up a repeatable system that consistently brings in new clients for revenue/income for your household. This can even begin to look like joining a board or strategic advising. This step is all about bringing others into your circle so you can build once and sell your offering twice.

True profitability, impact, and freedom in your life come during steps 3-4.

More to get curious about

đź“Ś 4 Ways You Leave Money On The Table - Dive deep with us on the four most common ways you could control more wealth for yourself. This LinkedIn Live with Matt Tucker was a real eye-opener for folks walking away from job offers, raises, consulting gigs, and other revenue streams.

đź“Ś Taking 40 Years to Draw a Horse - Your Zone of Genius will help show you where you have the most impact (at work or at home). I wrote this LinkedIn post recently with a little story about Pablo Picasso and a doodle on a napkin to help illustrate the importance of focusing more on impact and less on effort.

And just like that, another week of learning and growing is over.

As always…

I’m in this with you shoulder-to-shoulder,


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