No More Doom Scrolling

It's time to stop being a best kept secret

Happy Saturday!

I took last week off to celebrate the end of school for this guy and spend some time in Islamorada doing something we love…

Thankfully, he’s better at it than his mom and dad (read: he feeds us :))

OK. Let’s get to it.

For some, summer is a time when they like to step off the gas.

For whatever reason, I’m the opposite. If you are too, then you’re going to like today’s email.

It comes from something I shared Thursday on Linkedin that hit home for many.

It was a call to stop hiding.

More specifically, stop doom scrolling on LinkedIn and start letting others experience your expertise.

You see, I believe that there are people (yes, more than one) out there suffering right now because they don’t know you exist.

Maybe it’s…

  • A future client whose business is failing because they are suffering from the very problems you solve daily.

  • You could-be boss who is about to get fired because they don’t have you on their team (they’re failing in the very area in which you’re an expert).

  • One of your former colleagues who could use your advice today…and it will impact them in ways you can’t even imagine.

Start posting.
Reshare content.
At a minimum, comment.

Add value.
Share your insights.
Stop hiding your brilliance.

I know one thing for certain…

Someone out there needs to benefit from everything you have to offer.

Don’t be a best kept secret.

I’m in this with you shoulder-to-shoulder,


P.S. If you’re ready to start making things happen for yourself on LinkedIn, hit “reply” and put “SUMMER” in the Subject Line.

On Monday, you’ll get access to my Linked Into Opportunity course so you can get moving.

Here’s the deal… 

While I’m not charging for access to this training, I am requiring that you take action on it. Go through the training, put it to work and get results.

That’s all I ask.

P.P.S. If this email was forwarded to you, consider subscribing to receive them directly in the future.