What's your story?

The authenticity you're looking for is in the stories you're not telling

Happy Saturday!

This past week, I wrote two pieces that struck a nerve (in a good way).

The first had to do with storytelling…

and how important it is to lean into authentically doing it (versus the “highlight reel” b.s. so many display in the world).

Finding your people by sharing your perfectly imperfect stories…

The second had to do with diagnosing why you aren’t getting the options (much less the results) you want in your career…

more specifically, when you’re looking for your next position (or client).

if that’s you, I encourage you to stop ordering off the menu…

It could, quite possibly, change everything. Plus, you’ll love the meme I chose.

And, as always…

Don’t be a best kept secret.

I’m in this with you shoulder-to-shoulder,



When you’re ready, here are two (2) ways we can work together:

1) If you’re ready to stop ordering off the menu and finally land a role you truly love, my Career Attraction Method could be a game changer for you.

Email me “No Soup” in the subject line and I’ll send you the details.

2) If you’re ready to take your knowledge and turn it into a business (and life) you love, I’m working with a handful of clients 1:1 to create what’s next for themselves.

If that sounds like you, email me “CreateNext” in the subject line along with what you’ve been thinking about building and we can go from there.

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