• Kevin Kermes
  • Posts
  • Wealth: Unsubscribe from someone else’s narrative

Wealth: Unsubscribe from someone else’s narrative

Happy Saturday!

First and foremost, “THANK YOU” for your responses to last week’s newsletter. They were fantastic! Please keep them coming 😀 .

As a reminder, each Saturday, you’ll get access to carefully curated lessons taught and discussed on a theme…many of which are pulled from our work at the CreateNext Group.

This month’s theme is: choice.

Alright, let’s get curious about wealthy choices.

Unsubscribe from someone else’s narrative

TST Creative

There is a mental shift that occurs for nearly 👏 every 👏 single 👏 one 👏 of 👏 our 👏 coaching👏 clients 👏.

And it happens when they realize how many of their beliefs (and myths) around money were given to them from somebody else (parents, friends, culture, etc.).

Somewhere along your journey you subscribed to a narrative that was served up by somebody else. And while it might serve them, it may no longer serves you…and, maybe, it never did.

Kevin Kermes

Have you ever stopped and documented your beliefs around wealth and money? Where do they come from? Are they still serving you?

A good place to start is this money questionnaire. Dig into it by yourself, with a partner or a close friend to better understand your relationship and history with money. It was adapted from the brilliant minds of John & Julie Gottman in their seminal couples book (Eight Dates).

Kevin’s Wealthy Choice Tips:

  1. Openly and frequently express gratitude for what you have, what you contribute, and the wealth you are choosing to build.

  2. Remember that different meanings drive different relationships to money. And different doesn’t necessarily mean “bad.”

  3. Attempt to sift through your money attitudes you were handed and hold onto the ones that serve YOU.

  4. Get curious. What is NOT serving you? Is it a job you hate? Is it a spending habit that’s holding you back? Is it time to consider new investments? Maybe an income stream you want to explore?

It’s worth the effort now so as to avoid future confusion over how you spend and save your hard-earned cash.

My recommended resource: What’s Money Mean to You?

More to get curious about

📌 Pick a money strategy: Dave Ramsey vs. The Money Guys, which strategy works better for you and your wealth journey?

📌 Personal Finance Reddit Wiki: The mother load of financial advice for all different age groups and situations.

📌 Slow Fi is the New FIRE: Like “slow food” and “slow living” Slow Fi focuses on working less and designing a better life now (not later).

And just like that, this week’s installment is complete.

What resonated?

Hit ‘reply” and share what’s coming up for you.

Stay tuned for next Saturday when we dive into: choosing relationships.

As always…

I’m in this with you shoulder-to-shoulder,


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